The Good Book Fairy has published a new Four-Star Review of The Silver Baron’s Wife

The Silver Baron’s Wife is a beautifully written, moving, and historically rich, fictionalized account inspired by the true story of the life of Elizabeth Doe Tabor (widely known as Baby Doe Tabor). The author paints a vivid picture of this enigmatic, complex historical figure. This relatively short book is told from the perspective of Baby Doe.  Although the story is written as fiction, the author has clearly done in-depth research, and includes journals and letters from Baby Doe Tabor. The book spans Baby Doe’s life from the late 1800s to 1935. The novel features many colorful characters, including historical figures such as Sarah Bernhardt, Williams Jennings Bryan, and President Chester Arthur.


Women’s Voices for Change reviews Scenes from the Heartland


Donna’s 2018 Saturday Evening Post Fiction Contest finalist, “A Landing Called Compromise” is available online